Thursday 16 September 2010

The 52 Marvellous Makes Madness Challenge - Week 7 and not so much a rant as a monologue.

I am weeks behind with this business with lots ( I really, truly mean lots!) of WIPs.  I have a bad, bad, self inflicted stress inducing, habit of doing too many things at once.  Was I a fool to think that a weekly make challenge would somehow change this?   Yes, I think I was!!  I tend to flit between projects depending on my mood.  Sometimes I feel like sewing, other times knitting or picking up my crochet hook, or baking.  I know I cannot be alone in this.  I call it multi-tasking, Hubby Biscuit calls it never finishing anything.  I've said it before, he may have a point!!  

Week seven's make faltered at the last hurdle due to the excessive amount of stuffing required and I was not willing to use my whole stash in case I had a creative emergency, an urgent need to make 'something'.  I have since bought a child size, equivalent amount so can complete my make.  But I have moved on since then.  As I write I am in the middle of knitting four (one of which is made up of three) things, crocheting two blankets, sewing more christmas decorations, revamping old curtains and replacing cushion covers.  Say it cannot only be me that does this or has such a huge list! 
I also do not want to get into shame spiral about repeating myself AGAIN about pain.  Yes I had another visit to my Orthodontist and yes my mouth hurts in an annoyingly all encompassing way.  I tried popping pills this time which is helping a little and have even tried copious amounts of cleaning to distract me because for some reason the pain makes me sew like clumsy lump and unable to read knitting patterns properly.  Therefore I cannot create and one full day of cleaning is quite enough thank you very much!  Pants to it all!!!  I am finding myself utterly dull now about it and please, please let my next wee bit of surgery work so I only have braces for another 10 months, pretty please universe!!  I'll give you cake, lots of cake...

It gets worse, can it get worse?

It is a crime indeed when I cannot even bear the thought of baking or eating a cupcake!  I had quite forgotten the appointment when I went on about baking this week in honour of National Cupcake week!  I may just have to be a voyeur of those of you who whipped up a few!

So... week seven's make.

a felt holly wreath!

As I was making this I kept thinking, have I seen this before?  I have seen something similar somewhere?  Have I?  Am I totally stealing someone's design without realizing it?  Tell me if you think I have and I will give credit for inspiration where it's due. 
I felt in need of a Christmas wreath.  I am lucky enough to own one of Mrs B's gorgeous woolly wreaths (buy one here - they really are the most delightful things!) and would really love another but Hubby is having none of it and I've already played the 'Christmas gift' card for new merino wool for a scarf so I'm scunnered!!  The result being I had to come up with one of my own.  I just have to make the important decision of where to put a jingle bell as it must, must, must, must have a jingle bell.  I must be forced to imagine Santa on his sleigh or it's just not Christmassy enough!!  It's a rule that must be enforced!  
Another restraint of my own making!  And another...

...I have the next few weeks makes sitting awaiting completion - eek!!


A bit of a rant?  
Me thinks more of a  monologue but that, in essence, is blogging!



  1. I'm really far behind with my 52MMMC. I'm slowly catching up. Please don't get stressed out by it though, please?! It's supposed to be fun and it doesn't HAVE to be done to a strict schedule. I'd hate to make you feel stressed with a challenge I thought up.

  2. Ah Thrifty it's not so much stress, I didn't mean it to sound like that. I'm laughing at myself really and the predictability of it all. I had such high hopes for myself...

  3. ...and I should have said only a small part of my huge list is for the challenge, the rest are Christmas gift and house related projects.
    The challenge is fun really!!

  4. I have loads of projects in my head that I haven't even started, some projects that I have the materials for but haven't started, abandoned are not alone!! There just aren't enough hours in the day. Hope your teeth feel better soon.x

  5. What a grogeous wreath you are making and yes I agree it must jingle (all the way). Oh I do love Christmas! Sorry to hear you are under the weather (I know how you feel I have constant pain with my back, grinds you down) Hopefully you'll be able to concentrate on your many projects and this will help distract from the pain. I am like you I have many projects on the go and many more in my head - crazy lady running around like a headless chicken not getting much done at all! Love Em x

  6. I meant to say GORGEOUS!! see crazy lady can't even spell x

  7. p.s. forgot to say that I love that wreath - red buttons and little sparkly beads = beautiful!

  8. The beads are supposed to look like sparkly morning frost. Can't wait to see it hanging on my door!

  9. I have far too many projects on the go... ALWAYS.... :O)
    Don't be so hard on yourself missus.... that wreath is looking lovely.

  10. Multi-tasking/never finishing anything - or a 'project started in every room' I think I've heard it before - you are not alone! Keep it up - so much to do, such a short life-time, have a go at everything!

  11. Yes I'm guilty too, too many projects on the go, none getting finished. One day there will be enough hours in the day!
    I'm planning cupcakes tomorrow - nearly forgot about them!
    Hope your mouth feels happy enough for cake soon, x

  12. I have too many projects on the go too, and then i get cross at myself for not finishing them! Love your holly wreath its gorgeous. Hope your mouth is better soon xx

  13. Can I just say how much I love reading your blog? There, Ive said it. And I do, I really do - it is fun, funny, true and real. And you're not alone, I am also the best at doing 100 things all at once and then wondering why Ive got grey bits in my hair.

    Your wreath is gorgeous! Sending love
    Julia x x x

  14. Oh how I love, love, LOVE your Christmassy Wreath! :) xxx

  15. You do so well to keep all those projects on the go - be happy, that is an achievement! It is all part of the creative process to go with how you are feeling - you are certainly not alone in this! I look forward to reading your Ta-da posts as all these projects get finished off in their own good time.

  16. Hi again - you will love the book in my blog, my Mum and sister-in-law both bought a copy after seeing mine. Buy one - you know you want to, you NEED to crochet/knit butterflies and acorns and carrots and flowers, don't you??? x

  17. I love your wreath, very pretty indeed ! It reminds me of a Christmas cake a bit. I quite fancy a ring shaped cake.
    Louise x


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Had to put the annoying word verification back on as the spam was getting silly. Forgive me! Ali


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