Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The day I made lemon curd and embroidered a pretty jar topper...

So I am asking why oh why oh why oh effing why haven't I made lemon curd before?
I mean it
I love lemons, adore them, cannot think of a tastier flavour of sponge. There are few better smells in the world and they rock yellow like no human could.
Yet until very recently I hadn't ever made the effort to make homemade.  I had this recipe from the lovely Fishy and bonny Mrs B (whose shared foodie blog I miss with all my stomach and would bribe them to post again) bookmarked for an age and had copied it into my favourite treat notebook.  I mean for yonks and yonks!
Anyhoo, I have no excuse and if I had known how effing easy peasy lemon squeasy it was going to be to make I would [like to think I'd] have done it sooner.

 It is the best lemon curd I have ever eaten and had to take Mrs B's advice and pair it with my favourite scone recipe with added poppy seeds.

There was enough for just about two jars becauseI didn't use standard sizes. I knew once I saw those golden filled jars I had to get sewing, sorry embroidering (see still have issues with the names).

Still wanting Robert Plant to squeeze ma lemon.  That will never change whenever and everytime I think of lemons

 Says what it was, lovely lemon curd.

If you have never tried making it, please do.  You will be rewarded with heaven in every mouthful.

Some strange people, namely Mr Biscuit are not impressed by lemons, fools and numpties one and all. He is both, trust me!


Find me on Twitter and Instagram as jammypudding.


  1. It looks and sounds wonderful! I have never made it either despite making jams and marmalade, and I love lemons too. I even pay silly money to buy other peoples homemade Lemon Curd.
    You have convinced me to try!
    I love the pretty embroidered pot cover too - they would make wonderful gifts.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Gill xx

  2. I made it once, donkey's years ago now, during school cookery classes and have never made it since. I might give it a go, if only as an excuse to make a limoncello trifle! 'Tis very dusty and messy round at mine with the builders in and as there's no point cleaning (they'll only make more mess, after all), I may as well spend my time baking, cooking and preserving!

    1. Builders! Oh no!!

      Defo a good excuse to get in the kitchen Victoria. xx

  3. Perfect timing! Im just on a roll with jam & chutney {as well as the odd jar of relish} making...might just have to add Lemon Curd to the list!
    I saw it being made on TV a few weeks back but thought it can't be THAT easy, but sounds like it might be :)

    1. It really is easy, like a lemon custard! After making it you will wonder, like I did, why you haven't done it before, honestly!


  4. Homemade lemon curd is the dogs beep beeps!! Love your embroidered jar topper! It's beautiful :)

    Jo x x x

  5. Yum! Planning on making some when I turn the Aga back on in a few weeks time. I really love your jar topper

  6. Mmmm. Lemon curd is in my Top Ten. Must try and do this. Soon. Hope all hunkydory with you m'dearie. Ax

  7. Yum I love to make lemonade curd as we have a lemonade tree in the garden the lemons are so much sweater. I just love how you have embroidered the tops.

  8. I've never made lemon curd but will most definitely have a go now, as I can almost taste it reading your post!! Love, LOVE the embroidered jam top. Beth/thelinencat xx

  9. Your post is making me want to try too! I love lemon curd but I've always thought it was tricky to make (don't know why). Absolutely loooooooooove your embroidered cover, it's goooooorgeous. Seriously, people would pay good money for that craftmanship!

    1. I was the same, thought it would be hard. Just like custard really. Love that top too, especially the lemons. Ali xx

  10. In total agreement re homemade lemon curd. That is THE prettiest of jampot covers.


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Had to put the annoying word verification back on as the spam was getting silly. Forgive me! Ali


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